Tooth Whitening Options


 FACT: Your smile can be seen from over 300 feet away, making it easiest, and one of your most identifiable body parts! 

Your smile creates an immediate, subconscious, visual impact on people you meet. A brighter smile gives the impression of youth, vitality, radiant health, happiness, and warmth. A bright smile is perceived as a healthy smile.  

If you are interested in tooth whitening in West Hartford, CT or tooth whitening in New Britain, CT you should consult with Dr. Basil about In-Office or At-Home professional whitening.  Teeth whitening remains one of the most economical ways to enhance your smile. 

Zoom Whitening | At Home | Teeth Whitening | Tooth | Bleach | Dentist | West Hartford | New Britain

At-Home Treatment

 Philips Zoom DayWhite and NiteWhite give you superior whitening results by utilizing high-potency gels with custom-molded trays, specially made to fit your teeth. Philips Zoom DayWhite and NiteWhite kits offer five different options to meet your needs. Sensitive teeth? Check. Dramatic results fast? We’ve got it covered. With Philips Zoom, Dr. Basil will recommend the right whitening formula strength for you to take home. You will be matched with the treatment that fits your lifestyle to achieve your best results. 

Zoom Whitening | Office | Teeth Whitening | Tooth | Bleach | Dentist | West Hartford | New Britain

Zoom! WhiteSpeed In-Office Treatment

 The Zoom! WhiteSpeed In-Office Whitening System is a revolutionary tooth whitening procedure. It's safe, effective and fast. In about an hour, your teeth will be dramatically whiter. Zoom! WhiteSpeed Whitening is ideal for anyone looking for immediate results. The convenience of Zoom!  in comparison to days of wearing trays and gradual whitening makes it the perfect choice for the busy individual.   And you'll look years younger!  We use the latest generation Zoom! whitening system by Philips in our West Hartford Dental Office and our New Britain Dental office.